In this economy, everyone is trying hard to save money wherever they can. If you’ve found yourself on a tighter than usual budget but don’t want to miss out on all of the great Naperville dining options, there are things you can do! Simply follow our helpful tips for cutting down on costs when eating out.
One good idea is to purchase gift certificates for your favorite restaurants in advance. There are many websites that sell gift certificates for less than they are actually worth. So, for example, you could potentially get a Which Wich gift certificate for $20 worth of food for only $10. Keep in mind that some limitations usually apply on gift certificates, such as being used within a certain date or being applicable for dine-in only. As long as you’re aware of these limitations and work around them, however, it shouldn’t pose a problem.
Smartphone users are often big fans of “checking in” via social networking applications. If you’ve got a checking-in habit, turn it into a cashing-in bonus! Many restaurants offer free goodies, coupons, and more every time you check-in there! Of course, what you’ll get can vary greatly from one visit to the next, but at least Naperville dining will always be an adventure!
If your favorite restaurant has a Twitter page, a blog, a Facebook account, or some other social media profile, make sure to connect with it! Often times, you can find out about “secret specials” and other great deals exclusively through these avenues. If a restaurant offers text message alerts or a newsletter, sign up to be in-the-know and save money.
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